Spray Balls (SB)

Permanently installed spray-ball are used for low pressure internal cold or hot cleaning of
horizontal and vertical, vessels and containers of all kinds.Operating in continuous sprayng mode
for fluids that can be washed off easily or in pulse-pause mode for fluids which require a reaction
time to be washed off. The absence of moving or rotational parts contributes to the reliability and
durability of cleaning processes with spray balls.

This type of spray ball offers a fairly low cost, low maintenance option., However relatively low
pressures are required resulting in longer cleaning times Cleaning times of 30 - 40 minutes are
not unusual. Atomisation can be a problem when pressures exceed 3 Bar. The maximum
effective rinse range of this type of ball is between 2 & 3 metres. The spray pattern for each ball
is fixed, however there are a wide range of spray patterns available to suite a wide variety of
vessel shapes.

Technical Data


Surface finish: internal Ra ≤0.6µm external mirror polished

Avalilabe configurations:

Standard or Flat Shoulder with follow patterns available:
360° spray angle
180° spray angle top
180° spray angle bottom

Available connections

BSP thread

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