TK Sight Glas (TKCSG)

Observe your process closely by put a window in your process systems with the Sanitary TKC- SIGHT
GLASS, The Sight Glass is designed to fit onto the flush mounted TK-Connections that offers clear process


Fast and simple installation and maintenance
Extremely compact construction
Eliminate dead leg
No product entrapment
No air pockets during sterilization
Customized sizes available upon request

Technical Data

Size range:from 1'' to 4''

Max operating data:
Design Pressure: -1 bar to 7 barg (-14.5 psi to 101.5 psi)
Design Temperature: -80°C to 150°C (-112°F to 302°F)
Medium: Fluids group 1 and 2
Equipment category: I - IV
Surface finish: internal Ra ≤0.6µm

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